Since the group’s founding in August, WNWN has made great strides in their local area in reducing food waste. To begin with, they revolutionized their school’s share table, where students can donate otherwise wasted food to an area food bank. Secondly, the team has created innovate and informative curriculum, in which was completely endorsed by FLDOE. After a partnership was formed with the government entity, the studies will hopefully reach Florida’s 2.5 million student body. Along with the curriculum, multiple stops at local schools has allowed the group to share informative assemblies on food waste. During the recent government shutdown, the group donated a plethora of food to the furloughed tsa workers at a local airport. WNWN built a homemade float, encouraging our local community to compost and reduce waste, which was featured in multiple Christmas parades. Waste Not, Want Not has created a local business pact, where a dozen entities fully commit to reducing restaurant waste and donating all otherwise wasted food to our project. Multiple donation sites have been set up throughout our local area, encouraging the public to get involved in the no-waste initiative. To date, we have received approximately $500 in donations from those various locations. Finally, our landmark project was building an on-site greenhouse on Indian Trails’ campus, in which cafeteria waste is converted into valuable compost. The agricultural science teacher enriches her curriculum in the WNWN greenhouse, whilst growing new crops for hungry Flagler families.
If we wish to defeat food waste, we must rise up together and take action. Join our mission by searching @wnwnflagler on all social media networks to be informed.
We thank you for your time,
Waste Not, Want Not
Jack Petocz
Cameron Driggers
Samantha Stone
Alysa Vidal
Madeline Sims
Jackson Castaneda
Kevin Wolfe
Lucy Noble
Hannah Kurek
Grayson Ronk