Recently an article in Good Housekeeping Magazine about Share Tables has sort of set the Internet on fire. The article was picked up in various forms by Scary Mommy and Simple Most, and it has been shared to date over 250,000 times on social media, and commented on over 1 million times. The first state guidelines or memo Food Rescue found on the subject of Share Tables in schools were written In Michigan in September of 2012, but noted TCS foods, or Temperature Controlled for Safety would be "considered", but there were very few guidelines. In June of 2015, Indiana became the first state to develop full guidelines, not only for Share Tables, but for food donations to food pantries even for TCS food items, and even if schools did not choose to implement a share table. These guidelines were written by the State Department of Health and State Department of Education. They were very specific to unopened and unpeeled food items from the trays of students that were served that they did not wish to eat for various reasons. Over 400 Indiana schools now either implement share tables or donate unopened food items from the trays of students that they choose not to eat to food pantries. Some of the over 400 schools do both Share Tables and food pantry donations that are left over from Share Table items completely encouraged by the USDA and EPA. After Vermont followed Indiana, the USDA wrote formal guidelines that can be seen in chapter 5 of the History of School Food Waste Policy story in June of 2016. The race was on for states to match those guidelines, if not adopt them. But the USDA added a substantial twist to the guidelines, putting states who resist the guidelines in a difficult position. The USDA declared these food items safe to be re-served through the lunch line a second time, if the guidelines are followed, AND have the food be counted toward a reimbursable meal within the National School Lunch Program. So to be clear, if your state resists the USDA guidelines, they are basically saying that that the very food that the USDA says is fit to be re-served to paying student "customers" is unfit to be given to children and families in need via food pantries. Food Rescue doesn't think this makes any sense at all, and we teach our students to just share the info on federal laws and guidelines with their school districts and local health departments, and lead the #FoodIsNotTrash movement. Our advocacy has led to many states adopting guidelines that match the USDA guidelines. Food Rescue does not advocate Share Tables over rescuing food and donating it to food pantries. We simply advocate states recognize the USDA guidelines, and choose share tables, K-12 Food Rescue policies, or both, including the donation of TCS foods that have guidelines written to insure donations are safe within reason. To learn more about school food donations, visit Food Rescue's Get Started Page. To learn more about our amazing student leaders, visit our State Student Leader Page. To learn more about how we engage students, check out our S.L.E.I. program. To view a comprehensive list of new outlets and Facebook Pages that shared some version of the Good Housekeeping story, scroll down below the photos. Good Housekeeping, WNDU South Bend, WTAP, Scary Mommy, Shared, Country Living Magazine,
Good News Network, Delish, KCCI Channel 8,Sharing Is Caring, WKTUR, KPRC2, KWTV, WTMJ,Red Tri Cycle, Toronto Star The Little, A,,,,,,,,,, WMQZ,, Bigcountry995,,, Thedaily4news, I Heart Radio Sunny Sky Stories, WTOL, Indiana Gazette,This is good .com, Nuturestores KSL5 tv,, Superstar magazine, KOAT, WXII, Mothering Magazine, Simple, We love USA WMTW, WMUR, Uplift post, Shared, Hello, everyone! My name is Ruhi Shirodkar and I'm currently a junior at Wayzata High School in Plymouth, Minnesota. I'm working on implementing a food wastage prevention program through Food Rescue at my school, though it is proving difficult with the many restrictions on food collection and donation rules contrary to USDA guidelines that exist in my district. I hope my story will help others who are looking to start a Food Rescue program at their school, but don't know where to start. I had always known that food wastage was a large problem in America, but I never understood just how large of an issue it was until I started high school. I began to notice that students were throwing away perfectly good food - such as whole fruits, milk cartons, juice boxes, and yogurts - without even touching it. At the end of last year, I decided it was time to stop helplessly watching and start doing something about the wastage. I spoke to one of my teachers and asked her if she would serve as an adviser to a food wastage prevention group I was going to start, and she agreed. Over the summer, I researched online for weeks, my eyes glued to the computer screen, skimming articles about college campuses donating uneaten food to local pantries and farmers donating their excess produce to shelters. Finally, I came across the Food Rescue website and saw that it was a program through which other students my age or younger were able to successfully start food collection programs at their schools. This was the type of program I was looking to implement, so I filled out the contact form and was sent information about how to get started. The next day, I went to my adviser and told her about Food Rescue. I asked her who I should contact at the school and she told me the name of the cafeteria director. I emailed her with my plan and she agreed to meet me to discuss how it might be implemented. Throughout the next few weeks, I learned that there were many restrictions in place in Minnesota on what types of food could and could not be collected, the "could" category being very narrow. Some of these restrictions did not make sense to me. For example, my district does not allow whole fruits to be collected, as there is risk that the fruits could be contaminated. However, these fruits are untouched and unpeeled, and they are usually covered with a wax coating which prevents damage to the insides. Furthermore, milk is not allowed to be collected, as it it is a perishable item and believed that it "will be contaminated" if left out even for one lunch period. I found out that the USDA and several other state departments of health disagree with this assertion when I called Mr. John Williamson, the executive director of Food Rescue, and discussed my cafeteria directors' concerns with him. He pointed me toward USDA guidelines that can be followed to make this process safe. He also questioned how milk does not get contaminated on the way home from the grocery store, often a longer duration than a lunch period. Schools are also protected by the 1996 Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Law, and that according the Arkansas Food Recovery Project, there have been no successful lawsuits regarding donated food since the Emerson Law was enacted, due to the high standard of gross negligence established for guilt associated with the mishandling of food. This program does much more good than harm to the world by keeping perfectly eatable food out of landfills and instead donating it to those who need it. I asked if I could somehow get around my district's regulations, and Mr. Williamson told me that I could perform a food audit and get my school to tally how much and which types of food are being wasted, and present these results to my school board and local health department to persuade them to adopt the USDA guidelines and the K-12 Food Rescue program. UPDATE: 8/2/2018 It took some time, but I eventually managed to convince cafeteria authorities to allow me to perform a food audit for a week. The results of the audit showed that in one day, there were pounds upon pounds of perfectly eatable food being thrown away by students. Something had to be done about it. I persuaded my principal and cafeteria authorities to allow me to test out the food wastage prevention program I had planned out for two weeks to determine how much food was being salvaged through it. The cafeteria director made space to place the saved food in the cafeteria’s walk-in refrigerator and a few days later, I had designed posters and bins to place food in for a test run of my program. On the first few days, I stood in front of the entire cafeteria during two of four lunch hours (my schedule didn’t allow me to run the program during all four lunches) and made announcements about the program and what problem it was designed to solve. There wasn’t too much food collected during the first week, as students and staff were still understanding and getting used to the program’s existence. However, during the second week, food collection amounts skyrocketed. Instead of collecting less than half a pound of food a day, the program was salvaging about two pounds of food per day! I had convinced school authorities through my test run that the program was clearly making a difference in saving food that would otherwise end up in landfills, and they granted me permission to continue it. By the end of the school year, over fifty pounds of food were salvaged and donated to a local food shelter in the two months that my program ran. I will continue running this food wastage prevention program at my high school, and in the coming year, I hope to expand its efforts to encompass all four lunches at my school and fine-tune it to salvage as much food as possible. I hope my story inspires you to battle through obstacles to implementing a Food Rescue program at your school. Concerns will undoubtedly reveal themselves when a new idea is brought to light, but do not allow them to bog you down. Sincerely, Ruhi Shirodkar By Danny Freiband Food Rescue Michigan State Director of Student Leadership Hi everyone! My name is Danny, and here’s my story: I hope it can help those trying to start a program in their own school, whether they’re part way through the process (like me) or unsure where to start. I’m sure I felt horrified when I learned how much food my school was throwing away, but more than that I felt surprised--why would they throw away perfectly good food when so many people are hungry? A friend had brought the issue to my attention after seeing the cafeteria staff throw away literally buckets full of food. “Couldn’t it go to some better use?” he wondered. I asked around and discovered that the answer was, essentially, “no”; the way food was served at my school (“buffet style”, where students help themselves), it couldn’t be donated. So I gave up on trying to solve the problem for a while. Several months later, with the issue still nagging at my brain, I suddenly remembered the 31 other schools in my district who undoubtedly also threw out their leftovers. Sure enough, all of those schools’ food was completely able to be donated. I decided I would spend a while researching the issue. Those of you reading this story have most likely heard of K-12 Food Rescue, an invaluable resource where much of the information you need to know about school food waste is consolidated in an easy-to-access way for you. Take advantage of it! You’ll want to be well-versed in school food donation policy and history when you start approaching people. Shortly after doing my research, I took the advice of John Williamson (Executive Director of K-12 Food Rescue) and started a student group. I had been reluctant to do so, thinking “I can do this by myself”; let me say that anyone who could start a food rescue program by themselves could do it ten times more easily and effectively with a team to back them up. My team is called Ann Arbor Students for Saving Food (A2S2F) and I owe them full credit for all of our success so far. It was then a simple matter of solidifying our goals and reaching out to the right people. I had learned from John that “tray-to-trash” waste (unopened, unpeeled, uneaten items from students’ trays) was a far better place to start than the “back-of-the-house” prepared food I had been focused on before, simply because it was a larger source of waste and much easier to work with than the back-of-the-house stuff. (That doesn’t mean back-of-the-house” waste shouldn’t be donated, though; it just wasn’t the best place for us to start. We plan to add back-of-the-house waste once our program gets going.) We knew also that elementary schools were the best place to start when combating tray-to-trash waste, simply because they waste much more food than middle or high schools. With those goals in mind we contacted the director of food service in our district and the food pantry we wanted to partner with and set up a meeting with them to talk about our idea. The takeaway from that meeting? Let’s pilot this program at a single elementary school, work out the kinks, then expand to other schools if everything goes well. And that’s as far as we’ve gotten. We’re in the process of that pilot right now. I promise I’ll continue to update this post as our program develops, but for now let me leave you with my biggest piece of advice to anyone starting a program: Don’t give up. Be persistent. I can’t count on my fingers the number of times people have discarded our ideas flat-out or given us reasons why they won’t work--don’t assume that what they’re saying is true. No matter what happens, be guided by the fact that what you’re doing is right and that it will truly help people. If you ever want to ask me anything, I’m more than happy to help. You can contact me through the Food Rescue website, and I would be glad to share what I have learned. Good luck! -Danny |
December 2024