Adjust the slider to equal the number of students in your classroom | school etc. to see the estimated impact of rescuing unopened school food instead of feeding it to landfills.

My K-12 Food Rescue Calculator
Adjust the slider to equal the number of students in your classroom | school etc. to see the impact of rescuing unopened school food instead of feeding it to landfills.
Food Items:
Greenhouse Gasses:
1 lbs. CO2e
How many miles would I have to drive to
produce a similar amount of greenhouse gasses?
Created by Food Rescue Inc.
*This calculator is based on data collected by our free, Food Rescue Logging Tool. Since 2016 over 400
schools have logged data using our tool.
The case study told us that each student would have thrown away approximately 3.6 items of unwanted, unopened and unpeeled items per week. The calculations above include 5 items = 1 meal and 1 lbs. CO2e = (Items/4)/2.