Marion County Report
Number of launched schools: {{ tools[0].gsx$count.$t}}
Number launched towards nmpct goal: {{ tools[0].gsx$nmpct.$t}}
Number launched towards cicf goal:{{ tools[0].gsx$cicf.$t}}
What schools have entries marked as "Hot"?
Number of "hot" Entries in Database: {{ tools[0].gsx$hotentries.$t}}
{{ tool.gsx$hotschools.$t}}
What schools had entries modified in the last 10 days?
Number of database entries in last 10 days:{{ tools[0].gsx$last10days.$t}}
{{ tool.gsx$lasttenschools.$t}}
What is the activity for refrigerators and start-up kits?
Number of gifted refrigerators: {{ tools[0].gsx$refrigerator.$t}}
Number of kits distributed: {{ tools[0].gsx$kitrcv.$t}}
Schools gifted a fridge:
{{ tool.gsx$refrigeratorschools.$t}}
Who are the tool users?
Number of tool users:{{ tools[0].gsx$toolusers.$t}}
{{ tool.gsx$toolusersschools.$t}}
What schools have an in-house pantry?
Number of in-house pantries:{{ tools[0].gsx$inhousepantry.$t}}
{{ tool.gsx$inhousepantryschools.$t}}